Baikal 21 | Diamond (War Torn)


The Baikal is a powerful close quarters weapon made in the Russian city of Izhevsk, the Baikal offers a powerful 2 shot punch that can decimate a disorganised enemy unit one by one. Theories suggest that the Baikal shotguns were created from melted-down battle tanks with stocks fashioned from reject sleepers from the Trans-Siberian Railway… however when faced with this shotgun up close you best not think about this too much or you’ll become a dead man before you know it. This Baikal was created for a high ranking, high paying, officer to use as more of a show piece. However, this shotgun is still devestating when put in the hands of a solider.

Baikal 21 | Diamond (War Torn)


The Baikal is a powerful close quarters weapon made in the Russian city of Izhevsk, the Baikal offers a powerful 2 shot punch that can decimate a disorganised enemy unit one by one. Theories suggest that the Baikal shotguns were created from melted-down battle tanks with stocks fashioned from reject sleepers from the Trans-Siberian Railway… however when faced with this shotgun up close you best not think about this too much or you’ll become a dead man before you know it. This Baikal was created for a high ranking, high paying, officer to use as more of a show piece. However, this shotgun is still devestating when put in the hands of a solider.


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